Greenco / Duramaster
Greenco / Duramaster is a leading manufacturer of quality pneumatic linear actuator product lines.
For sales and support, contact us at (800) 982-8894 or click here to request a quote.

Greenco Rodless Cylinders | Duramaster Rod Cylinders

Greenco Rodless Cylinders
- Cable-Trol® rodless cylinder & cable cylinder lines
- Trac-Trol® guided cylinder for linear motion control
- Powr-Tube® short stroke actuator "inflatable bladder" and long stroke actuators
- Parts for Cable-Trol® and Trac-Trol® models
- Automatic tensioners
- Reed switches
- Sheave bracket assemblies
- Cable attachments / assemblies - styles: stud socket, clevis socket, H trolley
- Trac-Trol® trolley linear bearings
- Repair kits

Duramaster Rod Cylinders
- NFPA Cylinders with exclusive Duramount
- Duramite II
- Dura-E Multiplier
- Duramount™ for mounting
- Parts for NFPA cylinders
- Rod ends
- Eyes - eyes, cast iron eye brackets
- Pins
- Clevis - cast iron rod
- Metallic rod scrapers