Hedland is the leading manufacturer of hydraulic and pneumatic flow measurement solutions.
For sales and support, contact us at (800) 982-8894 or click here to request a quote.

Flow Meters and Switches | Flow Transmitters and Flow Switches | Pressure / Temperature Sensors and Accessories

Flow Meters and Switches
- EZ-View® flow meters
- Petroleum fluid meters
- Water-based fluid meters
- Water and fluid meters
- Air and compressed gas meters
- Caustic and corrosive gas meters
- API Oil / Caustic and corrosive liquid meters
- Phosphate ester fluid meters
- Turbine flow meters
- Ultrasonic HTTF (Hedland Transit Time Flow) meters
- Flow-alert switches for meters using: petroleum, phosphate ester, water-based, API oil / aIr / caustic gas meters

Flow Transmitters and Flow Switches
- Flow-Alert™ flow transmitters for liquids / air and other compressed gases
- Flow-Alert™ flow transmitters for petroleum fluids
- Flow-Alert™ flow transmitters for phosphate ester fluids
- Flow-Alert™ flow transmitters for water and water-based fluids
- Flow-Alert™ flow transmitters for API oil / caustic and corrosive liquids
- Flow-Alert™ flow transmitters for air / caustic and corrosive liquids
- Flow-Alert™ flow transmitters for air / caustic and corrosive gases
- Flow-Alert™ flow transmitters for air / compressed gases
- Flo-tech© digital displays for MR flow transmitters
- Hedland HB2800 flow monitors
- Analog Transmitters

Pressure / Temperature Sensors and Accessories
- Vista-Gage™ pressure and hi-pressure gauges
- Activa™ analog output sensors
- Ultima sensors
- FSB / FSC / FSD series sensors
- Quad Sensors
- Flo-Check® hydraulic system analyzers
- Sensor arrays with load valves
- K-factor Scaler
- Flo-tech® Cables for hydraulic measurement products