Lake Monitors
Lake Monitors is a leading manufacturer of flow meters, flow alarms, switches, transmitters and hydraulic test analyzers.
For sales and support, contact us at (800) 982-8894 or click here to request a quote.

Flow Meters | Special Flow Meters | Flow Sensing and Measuring

Flow Meters
- Basic inline flow meters
- High temperature flow meters
- Pneumatic flow meters
- Phosphate ester flow meters
- Bi-directional / reverse flow meters
- Flowmeter transmitters

Special Flow Meters
- ClearView flow meter
- Turbine flow meters
- Coriolis flow meters
- Positive displacement spur gear flow meters
- Case drain motors - flow meter option

Flow Sensing and Measuring
- FreeFlow™ sensor
- Flow analyzers
- FlowStat sensors - stainless and plastic
- Hydraulic Diagnostic products
- Flow meter alarms