GAST Regenerative Blower | R2103

  • GAST Regenerative Blower | R2103
  • GAST Regenerative Blower | R2103

Product Details


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With a rugged construction that's suitable for demanding applications, the R2 offers oil-less operation ensuring that the discharge air remains free of contamination.  The R2 can be mounted in any plane, which provides flexibility when mounting or integrating the blower into an OEM system. In addition, these blowers have very few moving parts and no wearing components, which minimize downtime and helps to lessen operating noise levels.


Thermal Protection :


Operating Voltage :

110/220; 115/208-230

Regulatory Approval :


Flow‎ @ 50hz :

33 cfm ( 56.07 m3h )

Flow @ 60hz :

42 cfm ( 71.36 m3h )


Can water be pumped through my blower?

No, clean dry air only

My blower is leaking around the cover. Is this normal?

The blower units are not leak proof, leakage is normal, and doesn’t affect the specified flow rate of unit.

What kind of oil do I need for my blower?

None, Gast blowers are oilless, and do not require oil.

Can I pump combustible gas through my blower?

No, none of Gast models are designed to pump combustible gases.

Where can I find a wiring diagram for my blower?

Wiring information is included in your owners manual, if the manual isn’t available you can go to

Are the foam pieces inside my blower for filtration?

No, they are not for filtration. They are designed for sound reduction, an inlet filter should be sourced separately.

Do I need a relief valve for my blower?

If your model is 1.5 horsepower and above you should have a relief valve installed on your unit.

What will be the consequences if I don’t use a relief valve on my blower?

The blower may overheat, heat can cause thermal expansion of internal parts resulting in impeller strike, which will score the impeller and housing, and most likely lock up the unit resulting in catastrophic failure of unit.

Do you have motor starters for my blower?

Gast does not sell motor starters, it must be sourced separately.

Can I rebuild my blower?

Soil vapor extraction models (models ending in -50, like R3105N-50) must be sent to the factory for refurbishing, these units are sealed to a certified leak rate, which must be done at the factory.